I have wanted to do a "trash the dress" shoot from the day I found out what it was. For those of you who don't know what this type of session entails, it's pretty much a girl trashing a wedding dress in some way. Many times this means that she is in a body of water, but I've seen photos of girls with their dress burning (imposed), or muddy, or covered in paint, and so on. A good friend of mine volunteered to be my guinea pig for a shoot. I thought immediately about chocolate syrup, and paint. My wife thought of soap bubbles, I'm proud of her. :) Rachel looked great in her dress, and we started off doing some formal shots. Some of my favorite photographs came out of these shots. We then moved on to chocolate syrup, followed by purple paint, and finished up with the soap bubbles. My wife, improving on her idea, thought of using a foot bath that we have to make the bubbles, so we were able to set the bath in the middle of the set and let it go until we had enough to get the shots. Overall, I am very pleased with this session. It was a lot of fun, and quite messy, but more importantly, Rachel did an excellent job. She looked fantastic, and the photographs are some of my best. Enjoy!