Christopher M. Photography

The Stories Behind the Photographs

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pre-order a Pie!

Sometimes I am just sitting somewhere and I see something that I think would be a cool photograph. Today I was sitting in the parking lot of a Bob Evans waiting to meet a friend, and watching storm clouds roll in. I knew the sign was to my left, but didn't give it much thought. At one point I looked over and saw that the sign read: "Pre Order a Pie for 4th of July" Clever rhyme marketing. I wanted to photograph the sign, so I waited for this grouping of clouds, that you see in the background, to get in a good position. I shot this with my Blackberry, and adjusted the contrast and saturation in Lightroom. Then in Photoshop I removed a lamp post that was in the frame. I like taking photographs of signs, especially if there is neon lights. Plus, Bob Evans makes some pretty darn good sausage gravy!

Thanks for looking.

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