Caught this young lady having a great time coming down this inflatable water slide. You can tell by the smile that she is just having an absolute ball, and you can tell by her purple lips that she freezing in the hose water! I am pretty sure that when the temperature gets above 65 degrees, kids will chip ice on the surface of water to get in it. If I did this at my age, I think I'd have a heart attack, or go into shock. I played it safe and just took pictures.
Love the vivid colors of this picture, and the smile is one of a kind. She never smiles like this for posed portraits, but then again neither would I, if I was constantly posing to "test lighting" in the studio.
I was just trying to capture the spray of water as she hit the wading pool at the bottom of the slide, but the expression is priceless.
Thanks for looking.
So cute!