My daughter and I were walking by a bank of newspaper vending machines, and she stopped to take a picture. I thought, why is she taking a picture of the newspaper machine? It wasn't until we loaded them on the computer that I saw what she was taking a picture of; it wasn't the machine at all, it was the newspaper inside that had a picture of a banana split on the cover! I learned two things with this picture:
1. It was a really slow news day in Fort Wayne; a banana split is the lead in
2. My daughter is only about 4' tall, and she has a completely different perspective on things.
She loves to take pictures, like dad, and I have told her that she should take pictures of things that are pleasing to her. A giant banana split would, no doubt, be pleasing to her. I am about 6' tall, and would have never seen the cover of this paper. Kudos to her for spotting this gem. I just need to teach her composition, so that she can frame her pictures better. She does seem to have an eye for seeing things as no one else would; including dad!
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